U Weight-Loss

U Weight Loss is an all natural, holistic approach to health and wellness. The program was created by a naturopath, and has clinically proven results. It is overseen by a naturopath, and a team of medical professionals.
U Weight Loss clients are guided to their health and weight goals by a team of Certified Personal Health Coaches who help them develop nutrition and exercise programs designed to suit their lifestyle and needs. Not only do clients get expert, one-on-one advice on nutrition, weight loss and health, they can also incorporate exercise, according to their level and preference, into their weight loss program. Fueling client success is also the vast variety of recipes, all perfectly balanced according to nutrient ratios, made available to them. Our Mission: To ensure clients acheive over-all health that they can maintain for the rest of their lives.
Results are further ensured though nutritional supplementation with the complete line of award-winning and customized Intelligent Health™ Nutraceuticals, formulated to accelerate weight loss, ensure optimal nutrition and improve overall health.
The primary goal of the U Weight Loss Clinics of Oshawa and Whitby is to provide its clients with successful and rewarding journeys to lasting weight loss and a lifetime of good health. Get on the path to becoming the Ultimate U today by calling or visiting our clinic.
Visit Their Website! Follow Them On Facebook!Watch a U Weight Loss Testimonial from an Ajax client who lost over 80lbs!
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