Website of the MONTH!

The natural cures listed here range from the obvious to the mysterious and claim to provide relief for everything from gout to diabetes to fleas!
Our website of the month is one that you NEED to know about. It’s called ‘’ and is a complete listing of folk medicine cures, home remedies and supplement information. Each ‘cure’ is supported by (in some cases,) hundreds of testimonials or comments by people who have tried them. Whether its Sesame Seed Oil for an abscessed tooth, or an essential oil to get rid of fleas, this site has thousands of recommendations. The site is laid out so that you can search by ailment, or by supplement, and there is even a section devoted to pets.
By far the best thing about the website though is the sheer volume of comments and anecdotal evidence for – or against many treatments. Whenever I hear about a new holistic solution to an illness or condition, I check EarthClinic first to see who has tried it and what their experience was like.
Of course we are not recommending that you try any of these ‘cures’ yourself without first consulting a health care professional. But we ARE highly recommending that you take some time to see this website as it can be a FANTASTIC resource for all kinds of practitioners and individuals who care about managing their health in a more holistic way.
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