Women’s Networking Group
This Monday, (and if you’ve missed it, on the first Monday of every month,) a group of us ladies get together at 3StepsUp Coffee House. We introduce ourselves, share challenges, chit chat and sometimes end up partnering up into projects or just supporting one another. It’s a wonderful time, and we invite you out! This month one of our long-time members Joy Lavoie will be doing a presentation on Essential Oils. So I know we are all going to come home smelling great! While you are more than welcome to just show up, our group is managed from MeetUp.Com, and if you like you can RSVP through there, or tag along with an existing member. We also have a burgeoning Facebook Page, so that we can all stay connected and follow each others projects. I was once a first timer myself, and while I was nervous and unsure, I was welcomed quickly, and now consider it an evening with friends. We’ll take care of you, we promise! 😉 ~Katie RSVP on MEETUP.COM Follow us on Facebook! ...
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