Learn To Make Soap!
Mar 07, 13

Aide Body Care has booked a room in the beautiful building of Harmony Health & Well-Being Located at 231 King Street East in Oshawa
Learn how to make Cold Process Soap from scratch, using natural oils & botanicals.
Each student will be able to customize their very own batch of soap to take home (apx 4- 5 bars). In this Hands-On class you will have all the info you need to go home and start making soap for your friends and family.
Each class runs apx 3hrs long with a refreshment break in between.
Cost $65 per person + hst
Still not sure? Check out all the fun here that Beauty Blogger Ettu & You had at one of our recent classes.
For more info please contact Michelle at info@aidebodycare.com
Is there a date for the class? I’d love to go!! This sounds excellent!
Yes! It is April 14th I believe! You can contact Aide Bodycare to sign up! I’ve used her product before, its fabulous, and she is a lovely personality as well. Great workshop!